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Nuts About Nutrients.

I think its important that people take time to really examine their health and diet. I see these funny memes about unhealthy eating. Yes, tacos “are life” BUT your life is also life, and you should probably take steps in a more healthy direction if you want to live a life that allows you to eat more tacos. Its truly not a coincidence that your feeling crummy, when you are also eating unhealthy. Nobody is perfect I understand this. I might be vegan, but I can be a junk food vegan sometimes as well. I’m not saying cut out everything that brings you joy.. but perhaps find healthier options, or cut back.

I’ve had people contact me, seeking advice on a healthier lifestyle. I’m thankful that people feel like they can come to me for these questions. One question that ALWAYS pops up is, “how will I get my protein.” It’s the million dollar question! You get it from plants. The cows, pigs, etc. that are killed everyday for human consumption, get their protein from plants. Why shouldn’t we? When we cut out the animals, and go straight to the source we are also gaining vitamins, minerals, and many other beneficial nutrients that you can NOT get from eating animals. I have an entire book on plant protein. Yes, I am a NUT about nutrients.

It is a pretty simple concept, do you want to feel good and have energy? Eat more plants. Easy peasy. If you have any questions, and want to know more about plant protein, contact me! or chat with me on here. Enjoy your Sunday!



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