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Running Toward A Purpose

I began running again. I was surprised that my body craved this exercise so much. My first run felt like filling a hole that was missing. Humans are designed to exercise, and even though I do yoga regularly, running is the type of exercise my body seems to need. I'm not marathon ready, far from actually, but I do have a history of running and have some tips I can share.

While in the Army I was an excellent runner. My best run was a 12 minute, 24 second two mile. My goal is to better that time, and as challenging as that will be, I can do it. I've been doing a lot of research about incorporating essential oils into my exercise. I use oils during yoga, but what I do on the mat is different than what I do on the track. Unfortunately, I didn't find oils until after I finished my contract with the military so I can't pull from the knowledge I gained there. So, to the books, I went!

From what I've learned, peppermint essential oil is the bee's knees for exercise. Other blogs I've written have stressed my love for this oil. It's the oil that made me a believer in plant medicine. Using it medicinally is fantastic. It can support your head and stomach when both are giving you a hard time. I'm even more in love with it now that I have learned that it can be a tool while exercising. You can add a drop to water to give you a boost before a run. Just smelling this powerhouse oil can increase mental alertness and concentration. While running, staying on your toes is pretty important, especially if you are running off a track and in a populated area such as the street. A study called, "The Effects of Peppermint on Exercise Performance" was done to study the effects that smells have on athletes. The study measured the performances of 22 females and 18 males. According to the study, "The actual physical performance can be enhanced as well. Participants did more push-ups, ran faster and showed a trend toward stronger grip strength in the peppermint odor condition than in the non-odorized control condition." How amazing is that? I used peppermint essential oil in my last run to see if it made a difference, and I have to say, it did. I don't want you to take my word for it though, I want you to actually apply this to your exercise and make your own conclusion about these claims.

Deep Relief is another oil I'm a huge fan of. I've been using it after I run, and it's actually an oil I will use following a particularly tough yoga practice. It supports tight muscles and helps to relieve tension. It smells delicious, too, so that's a plus.

Now for my amateur running tips! I just want to point out, that everything I have talked about this far and all the tips I'm going to provide are MY claims and mine alone. Young Living is a great company and tool to use to better your life, but they are not responsible for what I have discussed. This is all from my experiences and mostly trial and error.


1. Drink water:

Water is very important in general, but especially before running. I'd recommend not drinking too much directly before a run, it could upset your stomach. However, a few hours before you plan to run, drink around 16 oz. of water. Then during your run, sip on water every 10-15 minutes. Being hydrated is great for a clear mind, it keeps you running longer, decreases your chances of cramps and is good for your muscles. So, DRINK WATER!!

2. Don't eat a meal before a run:

When I was in the Army I was told to load up on carbs the night before a run. There's some truth to this statement, but I should add that you should eat GOOD carbs. Don't "load up" on greasy pizza the night before a run and expect to be feeling good. It's important that we have carbohydrates in our diet. They give us energy, and if you are going for a run, you need it. I suggest not eating too much before you go for a run. Perhaps a light snack, because I don't think running on an entirely empty stomach is good for you. A large meal though could really upset your stomach. I like to drink Ningxia Red before I go for a run. It's packed full of antioxidants and helps to boost energy.

3. Stretch AFTER a run:

Stretching after you run is beneficial for many reasons. After you exercise lactic acid builds up in your muscles, which leads to soreness and muscle fatigue. Stretching will prevent this from happening. Also, after a run your muscles are warm and when you stretch you benefit from increased blood circulation. Not to mention when stretching after a workout you are improving your flexibility, so that's a plus. Bottom line, you don't need to stretch out like crazy before a run, just warm up your body a little, like maybe walk first. Then, AFTER a run really stretch your muscles out.


My fourth and final tip is just a refresher of what we talked about at the beginning of this blog. Plant-Medicine is amazing and really can help you in multiple ways. Peppermint oil is excellent for exercise and I hope you research the benefits yourself and get to enjoy them.

Thank you all for reading this blog. I hope that I can help you in gaining tools that will better your life. As always, if you have any questions, email me! I'm available to help.

With love,


P.S. Look out for my next blog post! It might be controversial, but I'm excited to share some new information with you all!! ALSO, I have some really good news. So look keep a look out for my next blog.

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