New Beginnings

Sunday was supposed to be the start of our "new beginnings" with the blog. However, Sunday I found out some terrible news. If you are a Young Living member then you know that Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living, passed away on the 12th of this month. I was never able to meet him personally, but his work with essential oils changed my life. I can't speak for others, but I know that my life would be harder if it wasn't for Gary Young's innovations and Young Living. A loss is never easy, and my heart goes out to the people in mourning. I pray for peace for his family, close friends, and to everyone he's helped. Gary Young will be missed, but never forgotten, for he lives on in our oils!

This blog started on a difficult note, but the world is continuously spinning, requiring us to move on. In doing so, I want to share what I intended for Sunday.
Positivity radiates just like the fragrance from a flower. Or in less poetic words, when we are positive we are attracting goodness in our lives. In February I went to a Young Living workshop called, Transform 2018. It was an all-day class where I learned a lot about the power of thought. I've taken this knowledge with me through the months and put it into action. My life didn't transform overnight, but I did notice that when I was mindful of my positive thoughts, good things would happen in my life. The same theory holds true on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I was bitter and negative, my days were filled with, you guessed it, negative things. With that being said, I challenge you to be mindful of your thinking and execute more positive thoughts.
Using this method I really feel I was able to attract good things into my life, which leads to the good news I wanted to share with you guys. In about a week, my tiny family will be moving! It's a charming place tucked into the woods. It's not going to be our forever home, because eventually, my goal is to buy some land and build a house, but for now, it's the perfect place for us. We're all very excited and filled with joy. Which moves us to my next topic, Joy essential oil!

Joy essential oils is a popular Young Living blend. I use it just about every day. It smells delicious, and I love to use it as a perfume. This last semester was not easy and it was hard to find joy in my work. So, more often than not, I would diffuse Joy into my workspace to basically force joy into joyless activities. I finished school with decent grades (Three A's and a B+), and I don't think I could've accomplished it without Joy. If you have any questions about this oil or any other oils I use to accomplish the not so fun things, email me! I would be delighted to help.

The last thing I want to discuss in this blog is about the book I just finished! It's called, "The Girl Who Smiled Beads", by Clemantine Wamariya and Elizabeth Weil. It's a memoir about the life of Clemantine, who in 1994 was forced out of her country due to the war in Rwanda. She and her sister walked many miles, for many years escaping the war just to find it again. The story is raw and shines a light on refugee life. This is an important conversation that needs to be had. These invisible lines that separate us as countries and people disgust me. We are one, one mankind on one Earth. We should be supporting one another not making up rules that one person is better than the other. It's disheartening. Please add this to your TBR list for 2018 if you haven't already. It was excellent.

This is the first blog incorporating the ideas I shared in my last blog about adding more personal content. I think sharing my life and hobbies with you all helps with the connection I'm trying to build. As always, if you have any questions regarding anything I have shared today, send me an email! It's if you are unable to locate it elsewhere. I think conversations are important, so please tell me more about you, what oils you are loving and what books you are reading. Thank you so much for reading!
With love,