It's Been Too Long

I don't know how I went five months without connecting with you all through my blog. I feel as if I abandoned you, and I'm very sorry. This second semester was filled with piles of school work, and Luna May has been quite the handful. She's almost two, and let me tell you, the terrible two's are a cliche for a reason! I have less than a week of school left for the summer and I'm very excited! I want to share my plan for the next few months with the blog, as well as update you guys on how I've been!
First, my plan for the blog. I'd like to make it more personal. I want to share my life as well as my plant-based journey. I want to talk books, family, photography, yoga etc. I believe building a relationship with people who follow you is important, and if you don't know much about me, how do we do that? I'd also really like to hear more about you all! I'm about to have more time then I know what to do with, so let's chat! My email, if you don't already know, is Let's connect. I won't be posting separate posts for each interest in my life. My blogs will just be a catch-all. So they might be longer, but they will be filled with better content, I'd say. It'll be educational, but also personal, and I'd like to think that is better.
I've been pretty busy these past few months. Like I've previously mentioned, school work has been hard this semester. I'm almost finished and I'm looking forward to it. I feel like I've been slacking on things that make me happy. Such as yoga and photography. My oily life has been a constant though and has been helpful through these months of near defeat. I actually received Young Living's Loyalty blend a few months ago. You can only receive Loyalty by being an Essential Rewards member for a year, and then every year after that. It's a lovely oily anniversary present. I haven't had a lot of breaks during this semester. I feel that I've been continually chugging away. However, during my spring break, we traveled to Arkansas from our home in New York to visit my family. It had been three years since visiting home, so it was very nice. I'll attach some pictures below of the trip. What else? Oh, in January, I decided I would be more active about showing the books I'm reading. For a few years, I have made it a goal to read a book a week, and stick to it pretty well. This year, I wanted to showcase my books because I had noticed that publishers give books to readers for free if they leave reviews. Who doesn't want free books? So I'll share the books on here as well.
To close out, I just want to apologize again for not keeping up with the blog. I plan to be more active now that I have more free time. As always, please contact me with any questions you might have. I hope to hear from you soon!
With love,