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Health Vs. Weight Loss

“Are you tired of that pesky belly fat, and double chin? Do you look in the mirror each morning and dislike what you see? Buy THIS and all your troubles will disappear.” Have you heard or read something similar? I know I have. It’s all over the television, adds, social media. Your friends are selling some new miracle weight loss tool, be it pills or wraps. “You need to lose weight” is constantly being thrown at us. “It’s easy, just buy THIS, and the weight will drop off.” When has it ever been that easy? It’s not. You will never be able to take a pill, slap on a wrap, and watch the weight fall. It’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t work that way. These companies are targeting your insecurities to make a buck. They don’t care about the damage these adds are doing to people. Phycological and physical damage. Younger and younger girls are starting to obsess about their weight, and it’s heart breaking. We have 13 year olds and younger on social media, and when they see these adds and posts about weight loss, it makes them question the way they look. These beautiful, young girls (and men) starve themselves, or eat poorly, and I blame these companies. These adds are everywhere, and it’s really hard to turn a blind eye to them. Especially in these social media obsessed days. Wanting to drop a few pounds is absolutely okay. It’s the way we do it that is important. Also the why, we want to lose weight is as equally important. Do you want to lose wight because of health concerns? That’s great, do it! But are you trying to lose weight because you think people will like you more? If so, you should really talk to someone about those thoughts. Pleasing someone else is draining, and wight loss should only be for you. It’s your body, your mind, your heart. Your body is YOUR journey, and what you do with it is only up to you.

It’s going to get a little personal for a second. Bare with me. I grew up always being naturally skinny. I was always applauded for my weight, and I think that in and of itself is an awful thing to do to a young lady. When I joined the Army I was a whopping 104 pounds, underweight for my hight. I actually had to get a waver to join because I was a little underweight. Yet I still thought I didn’t look good. I lived on Mountain Dew and macaroni and cheese. I know, super healthy. By the end of Basic Training and AIT (advanced individual training) I was 148 pounds. Mostly muscle. I looked pretty good. I remember coming home for a visit and my entire family talked about how much weight I gained, and it bothered me. The boyfriend I had at the time thought I had gained a little too much weight and insisted I lose a few pounds. RED FLAG. If your significant other talks about your weight in any sort of negative way, drop them. You don’t need that in your life. After months of being told I was heavy, and being stressed out like never before I started to really believe I was fat. I would crash diet every week. I’d go days without eating and then when I did eat it wasn't much. In a few months I was back to 100 pounds. My face was covered in acne, I was tired all the time, and my hair started to fall out. This experience was really damaging to my mind and my body. I really started to dislike myself and would lash out at people. Eventually I broke it off with the guy, and started to see a military councilor. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, and had to see said councilor every week for a few months. Things got better, I started to eat regularly, and gained weight back. I still wasn’t eating healthy, but it’s better than not eating anything at all. These bad eating habits persisted for years. I ate candy, fast food, a ton of chicken, and drank my weight in soda. If you’ve ever read my blogs, you know that I had some health issues, like headaches, back problems, miscarriages, etc. Once I found yoga, and essential oils, my diet really began to change. I stopped drinking soda, I gave up anything with high fructose corn syrup. I really started to embrace this whole plant based lifestyle and eventually stopped consuming meat and dairy. What, she’s a Vegan? It’s okay, I’m not trying to “convert” you. I know it sounds like this weird thing to do. Give up bacon? It might be crazy, but you have no idea how great it is until you try it. The benefits are awesome. I eat more than I ever have, and feel fantastic. You should look it up and watch documentaries. It's eye opening. Vegans don’t just eat fruit and vegetables by the way. We eat bread, pasta, beans, lentils, baked good, and the list goes on. Living a plant based lifestyle in terms of medicine, cleaning products, hygiene products, and of course food, has changed my life. I’m at a healthy weight for my height and I hardly ever partake in bad self-talk. I’m happy! I’m healthy! I don’t starve myself, I don't stare at myself and hate what I see. My health issues have all but gone. Other than my recently diagnosed tumor, but that’s on its way out the door. I feel empowered, and beautiful. The way every woman, and young girl should feel.

The point to this blog isn’t to tell you to become vegan. It’s to tell you to STOP looking at weight loss adds, stop buying wraps and pills, stop listening to others who make you feel bad about your weight or anything about yourself. Those companies aren’t promoting a healthy way to look at weight loss. It should be about gaining healthy habits and that is it. It will come naturally as long as you cut the crap, exercise even just a little bit, and eat more whole, plant based foods. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart. If you ever need a helping hand, I’m here to support you. Email me, ask questions on the forum, anything. Just don’t feel bad about yourself. You are beautiful and you are not alone. Thank you for your time.

With so much love,


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