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Health and Essential Oils

Due to recent events in my life, I would like to talk about how essential oils can help with health. Oils aren’t just for smelling good, though they do. They can be used to aid in many, many different health issues. In this blog post, I’m going to discuss what’s going on in my life, and the oils I am using, or plan to use, to help combat the problem. I am by no means a doctor and these claims are my own, backed up by research. If you have serious health concerns and you have not yet talked with your doctor, please do. Essential oils are meant to help, not cure. With that being said, they can help, A LOT!

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at you. When you think you have a handle on things, BAM, a ball flies right at your face. I’m sure just about everyone can relate to this. That is definitely how I have felt over the past few weeks. After having my daughter a little over a year ago, I started having some issues, woman issues. Our bodies are beautiful and crazy all at the same time, and sometimes they just don’t want to work properly. This is the case for me. I found out recently, that I have a small tumor on my pituitary gland. Your pituitary gland is part of the endocrine system and produces critical hormones, which are chemical substances that control various bodily functions. The tumor is benign and that’s wonderful, but the tumor is causing some issues, and that is not so wonderful. I am a strong believer in plant medicine, I don’t think everything should be fixed with pills. In some cases, not all, the pill you take can cause more damage than the reason for which you are taking the pill. With all that being said, I’m also a great believer in modern medicine. I am grateful for all the advances we have made over the years, and am so blessed to live in a time where doctors can fix serious, life threatening issues. That word, life threatening, is the kicker for me. If it’s not life threatening, why take the pill? A headache won’t kill you, so why take a pill that may harm other parts of your body? Why not use a plant, like peppermint, to help ease the pain? These are just my thoughts. I’m not sure where to put my tumor on the list. Is it life threatening? Well, not at the moment, but if it’s not taken care of soon it could be. So, what to do? I chose, to take care of this tumor by doing both! Using plants to possibly shrink it, as well as helping with all the symptom related issues, and then medication my endocrinologist proscribed to kill it off. It’s like using science as a double edged sword. Plant medicine on one side, and modern medicine on the other.

There are many herbs to eat to help shrink tumors and fight against cancer (garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper, etc.). While herbs are important, and I would love to talk in more detail about them, for the sake of this blog post, i’m only focusing on essential oils, and oil based products. In one of my last blogs I talked about my oily “routine” and I had mentioned drinking a glass of water with Grapefruit Oil in it every morning to help burn fat. Grapefruit is known to support weight loss, but it’s also known to help reduce tumor growth, due to the fact that it’s rich in limonene. It’s amazing to me that so many of these essential oils can be used for multiple reasons, like Ginger Oil for instance. It’s another great oil to help reduce tumors, but it’s also used as a anticoagulant, anesthetic, and anti fungal support. That’s going on my next Essential Reward order! Another oil I have been using is EndoFlex, and it’s used to create hormonal balance. When you hear Endo, think endocrine. Your pituitary gland, is one of many in the endocrine system. This oil is clearly the oil for me. It’s a blend of spearmint, which supports the nervous and glandular systems. Sage, Geranium, which assists in balancing hormones. Myrtle, is an oil that helps normalize hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries. German Chamomile, and last but not least, Nutmeg, which supports your adrenal glands. Another oil that I’ve yet to purchase, but plan to, is Black Pepper oil. The benefits to black pepper is unbelievable. I don’t think people give it enough credit. It stimulates the endocrine system and increases energy in all systems of the body. Wow! Then there is Rosemary Oil, which balances the endocrine system. As well as protecting the liver, and fighting off infectious diseases. If you’ve looked through my website, you’ve probably seen the product section. If you have, then you know that Young Living offers just about everything. From personal care products, and animal products, to supplements. One supplement that I am eager to try is called EndoGize. Again, when you see endo, think endocrine. It’s specifically for women to help maintain a healthy endocrine system. Men and women have different results when not taking care of their bodies, nutritionally. For women when we are stressed, and out of whack, it can be very unhealthy. It can increase cortisol levels and decrease estrogen or testosterone, which can lead to a diminished libido and imbalanced metabolism that further leads to a decrease in energy and an increase in food consumption. It’s seriously important, and i’m learning the hard way, for woman to maintain a healthy endocrine system. Like we’ve discussed before, the endocrine system regulates several body systems by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, hormones travel to specific body systems such as the adrenals, PITUITARY, hypothalamus, thyroid, and ovaries. When the endocrine system is not balanced, each of these body systems is unable to function properly and can put undue stress on other systems within the body. EndoGize is a supplement formulated with vitamins, plants, essential oils, and other great materials to help support the female endocrine system. My next Essential Rewards order is going to be packed with endocrine and hormonal supporting products, like Estro. Estro is an herbal tincture containing plant-derived phytoestrogens, such as black cohosh, which are widely used in Europe as safe alternatives to synthetic estrogen. Phytoestrogens have been researched for their ability to support the body during PMS without many of the side effects associated with estrogen-replacement therapies. My tumor has caused me to have very low levels of estrogen, and taking synthetic estrogen was a huge concern of mine. Thankfully Young Living has provided us with a SAFE alternative. Estro has other great properties, and is made to support all types of womanly needs. Which includes easing the discomforts of menstrual cramps, assisting in the transition of menopause, and regulating other hormonal imbalances. I think this products is a must have for all women, young, old, and in-between. Progesterone imbalances are another common side affect to the tumor in my pituitary gland. I’ve been using Progessence Plus for support with that. If you’ve read my other blogs you know that I use this serum on the daily. I’m pretty sure this is my husbands favorite, for it helps with my mood swings. Ha!

As you’ve read, there are many ways that plant based products can help with your health. I’ve talked in depth before about why I choose Young Living’s products, but I will reiterate that it’s due to their Seed to Seal promise. This promise keeps me coming back, and is the reason I am passionate about Young Living. I have a video that goes more into detail on my home page if you are interested in learning more.

I’ve talked about my health issues, and I have shown you that pharmaceutical medicine isn't the only option. Give plant based medicine a shot, too. I mean, where do you think it originally comes from in the first place? It’s just a thought. If you’re interested in learning more, or have health issues of your own and want to know which Young Living products that can work for you, send me an email. I am always, always, ALWAYS happy to help support you on your journey. Thank you for reading, and I hope to here from you soon. Happy Oiling!

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