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How To Use Essential Oils Every Single Day

“You can’t use essential oils every day can you?” “How do I incorporate oils into my daily life?” These are some questions i’m asked, and i’m here to tell you YES! Yes, you can use oils every day! If you are interested, I would like to tell you how I use my oils every single day. I want this to be a guide to help you use all those beautiful oils you received in your premium starter kit, and help you navigate other oils you might be interested in purchasing on your next essential reward orders. I’ll take you step by step into my day and show you how I use essential oils. Disclosure, I mix the routine up from time to time, but this will still help you out. Take or leave whatever works for you. It’s your journey, i’m only here to support YOU! So here goes.

After I wake up, the very first thing I do is drink a glass of water with a drop of grapefruit oil in it. Grapefruit is excellent for your health. It’s cleansing for your kidneys, lymphatic, and vascular system. It’s an antidepressant. It’s rich in limonene, which has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for its ability to combat tumor growth. That also applies to Lemon oil, and Lemon oil comes in your premium starter kit. Also, if you’re looking for weight management, grapefruit is where it’s at.

Once I finish with my morning duties, as in feeding the baby, drinking the coffee, etc. I take a shower, and get ready for the day. I just want to point out that the personal hygiene items I use are oil based, but I won’t go into that in this blog post. You’d be reading a book, so I’ll spare you. After I get out of the shower, I brush my teeth. I use Young Living’s Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, and I put a drop of Orange Oil on it. I enjoy the taste, and I’ve also noticed whiter teeth. I do my hair, and by do, I mean I brush it and throw it in a ponytail. Then, I apply Copiaba Oil to the dark circles under my eyes, because you know, mom life. I can’t rave enough about this oil. It’s a known anti-inflammatory, so I use it for many different things. To support my daughters teething, to help my husbands knee pain. I’ve also applied it to bug bites, and with it being summer, It’s been a big help. Copiaba oil comes in your premium starter kit. So, if you haven’t purchased yours yet, this is an oil that should change your mind.

Before I get dressed I put lotion on. In my lotion I put a drop each of Frankincense, Manuka, and Tea Tree oil. Frankincense is another favorite, and it’s also found in your premium starter kit. This oil dates back to biblical times and has so many wonderful benefits. Some being to help with depression, improve attitude, and support the immune system. Manuka is a great Oil to use to support a healthy skin, and it smells fantastic. I’ve been using Tea Tree oil because it’s summer and my family loves to go outside. I do not enjoy bugs, and bugs really do not like Tea Tree oil. Like I said before, I change up my routine from time to time. I especially like to do that with the oils I put in my lotion. For example, sometimes I’ll substitute the Manuka oil and Tea Tree oil for Gentle Baby oil. Gentle Baby is a blend of oils that are comforting, soothing, relaxing, and beneficial for reducing stress during pregnancy. Or after pregnancy in my case. It helps reduce stretch marks and scar tissue, rejuvenates the skin, improves elasticity and reduces wrinkles. It’s also great for babies with dry skin, and diaper rash. Gentle baby is also a good oil to put in the diffuser during nap time.

So after I’m dressed I apply Progessence Plus to my wrist and neck. As women age, progesterone levels drop, and staying hormonally balanced becomes increasingly challenging. Especially, in my opinion, after you have a baby. Hormone imbalance causes everything from sleep and mood disorders to more serious health concerns. Progesterone deficiency is something that affects all women. Progessence Plus increases hormonal balance the way nature intended. It is a balancing blend designed to enhance the natural effects of progesterone. Pure USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam is purified into a pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil-infused serum. That’s quite the mouthful, but man, does this stuff kick butt! I think my husband is happier since I’ve been using this oil daily.

There are many oils that I like to use as perfumes. I don’t use the same one each day and sometimes I mix them. There’s Awaken, Peace and Calming, Stress Away (one you get in your starter kit) Bergamot, Patchouli, and Joy, just to name a few. I remember before I found oils, I was that person who had a closet FULL of Victoria Secret, or Bath and Body Works lotions and sprays. I also remember being that person who complained of headaches daily. When I think back to all the toxins I was putting on myself and filling the air with, it gives me shivers. I won’t go into a long post about it, but if you take a look and see what is actually in those lotions and perfumes, it’ll make you think twice before waisting anymore money on them. Essential Oils make great perfumes, and honestly the smell last much longer. Not to mention, they are plant based, pure, and safe for you and the environment.

So, the last oil I use before I start my day is Thieves. I apply a drop to the bottom of my feet before I put my socks on. Thieves is another oil that you can find in your premium starter kit, and it’s one of the most important ones in my opinion. It’s an oil your whole family should use daily. This is an amazing blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti infectious essential oils. This blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary was created from research based on legends about a group of 15th-century thieves. They rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. When apprehended, the thieves were forced to tell what their secret was and disclosed the formula of the herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for a more lenient punishment. How cool is that! My family cannot afford to get sick, so this oil is a staple in our home.

As my day goes on, I feel sluggish like most people do around noon. I usually only like to drink one cup of coffee in the morning. So I’ll reach for the Ningxia Red. However, because it’s so good there are times when I don’t have any. In that case, I put a drop of Peppermint Oil in a glass of water and drink up. If you’ve read my other blogs you know how much I love Peppermint Oil. It’s the oil that made me a believer in these crazy oils! It’s also ANOTHER oil found in your premium starter kit. Seriously, why haven't you bought yours yet? Peppermint oil has many benefits. It helps with headaches, stomach discomfort, it’s another oil to use for weight management, if you're looking for that support. It’s also great for when you need a little pep in your step. I’m slightly obsessed with this oil, and it’s one I’ll always recommend.

The day is still going on, and I’m sure i’ve used more oils since noon. If I’ve gone outside which is likely, I would've put on Purification (found in your premium starter kit) to help fight those nasty bugs. I’m a stay at home mom, so cooking and cleaning is in the job description. If you’ve read my other blogs you know that I use Young Living’s Thieves products for cleaning. I also am likely to use Lemon Oil to get the sticky off of things. I have created this “Fresh Air, I Do Care” spray that consists of Spearmint Oil, Lemon Oil, and Purification Oil. I spray it on carpets, couches, beds, towels, EVERYTHING! My house smells so good. I love to cook with oils, too. Just one drop of cinnamon oil can add loads of flavor to baked apples. Or a drop of Oregano oil in your spaghetti sauce can make you feel like your in an ittalian restaurant. There are loads of possibilities when it comes to Essential Oils.

So, we’ve reached nighttime and as a parent it’s probably the hardest time. Why do children HATE bedtime? I think the only thing that helps is the combination of Lavender Oil and Cedarwood Oil in the diffuser. My daughter falls asleep so much faster since using these. Lavender Oil is like the Swiss Army knife of oils and it’s another oil found in your premium starter kit. It helps with SO much! One thing it’s probably most know for is supporting sleep. When mixed with Cedarwood which is also calming, is perfect. Cedarwood also promotes hair growth. So after I get my daughter down, I rub Cedarwood Oil in my hair and then Lavender Oil on the bottom of my feet, and go to sleep myself. I was never one of those people who could fall asleep right when their head hit the pillow. I always envied those people. Now though, I’m that person!

Essential Oils can seem overwhelming because there is so much. I understand. I hope showing you a glimpse of my daily “routine” has helped you feel a little more comfortable and confident about starting your own routine that works best for you. As always, if you have any questions, please email me. I’d be more than happy to help you out! Happy Oiling!

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