That sniffly season is upon us!

Hello spring, and all that it brings! The sun is shining, the ice is melting, flowers are blooming; and your eyes are burning, your nose is running, you are having a hard time breathing, and your head feels like it weighs twenty pounds. It’s hard to enjoy this fantastic weather when pollen makes you want to stay inside and hide. I know the feeling. Or at least I did, before I found essential oils!! I’m going to talk about some of the oils that will help you fully enjoy spring! It’s my favorite season, and the one that makes me most happy. So, because of that, I need to share with you all the knowledge i’ve obtained to help you during this season. Your health and happiness truly means a lot to me, even if we don’t actually know each other. Healthy people are generally more happy, and happy people make the world better. So here goes.
First, let’s talk about Breathe Again!! Wow, this oil is like a gift from the Gods. It contains four different eucalyptus oils (Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Staigeriana, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Eucalyptus Blue) and five additional essential oils, all known for their ability to relax airways, make breathing easier, and reduce coughing. In addition, these oils have anti-inflammatory characteristics.
-Laurus Nobilis is anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, anti parasitic, and anti nausea. In India, it is used as a sedative for whooping cough and toothaches. It can help relieve symptoms of bronchitis, skin disease, cholera, and diarrhea. It has also been used as a circulatory stimulant.
-Peppermint is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for the respiratory system. It is used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia. High in menthol and mention, it helps suppress coughs and clears lungs and nasal congestion.
-Copaiba is commonly used in anti-inflammatory recipes used traditionally for medicine by Shamans in the Amazon. It can also be effective in reducing muscle spasms.
-Myrtle is a wonderfully mild and gentle respiratory treatment, sometimes recommended for treating asthma attacks and respiratory problems with children. This oil is great for children and elderly in cases of respiratory afflictions, chronic lung conditions, colds, infections, etc.
-Blue Cypress improves circulation and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, stimulating the amygdala, pineal glands, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.
So, right? this oil is pretty awesome, and can help you out so much! It’s also a roll on so you can just easily apply it to your throat, neck, or chest.

If you’ve bought a premium starter kit, then you also have some great tools that will help you out during this beautiful season of discomfort. You saw in the previous paragraph peppermint oil. What a great multipurpose oil that it. If you’ve read my last blog, you know just how important this oil is to me. Also in the above text was Copaiba. Another oil that you can find in your starter kit that will help you out, is Lavender oil. Or as a lot of people like to call it, “the swiss army knife” of oils. It helps out with so much, respiratory support being the important one for the sake of this blogpost. Last, but absolutely not least, is Lemon oil. Lemon oil is a antiseptic, and improves microcirculation, immune stimulant, it may increase white blood cells, it improves memory, relaxation; rich in limonene, which has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for its ability to combat tumor growth. In my opinion we should be incorporating lemon into our daily life regardless of allergies, but it’s wonderful for supporting that as well. You get eleven oils when you purchase your premium starter kit, and four of those oils can help you with allergies, among other things. That’s amazing! So, if you’ve yet to buy your premium starter kit, what on earth are you waiting for? Your health and happiness depends on it.
If you suffer from allergies, and want to enjoy your spring, please consider these healthy options i’ve shared with you. As always, if you have any questions please let me know! May you enjoy running through fields of flowers, without sneezing and wheezing! Happy oiling, all!