Every Day Oil Collection

Welcome to my first ever blog post! I am so excited about sharing my families oily journey with you! With this being my first post, I thought i'd give you a little information on some of the oils in the every day oil collection. When you purchase your premium starter kit you will receive all of these, a stress away oil, an oil diffuser, samples, and a ton of information. Not to mention you'll be apart of a wonderful community. If you've been interested in oils, and aren't quite sure were to start, this is the place for you.

Thieves. It's "stolen" my heart! Thieves combines Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiate, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils. This oil is inspired by 15th century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying. It's one of the best oils to support a healthy immune system. Young Living has an entire line of Thieves products from toothpaste to household cleaner. I apply this to the bottom of Luna's feet before we head out for the day. Baby's have a weak immune system and this oil has been a great help. My child has yet to come down with anything.

Who else loves food?! Give me all the pizza!!! Use DiGize to help enjoy each and every meal! This blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli essential oils is a great mealtime companion.

Oh, Copaiba, how you've saved the day on more than one occasion. If you have teething babies you'd understand my love for this oil. Copaiba is known to help with inflammation and is used to support our body's natural response to irritation. But that's not even half of what it can help with! I mix a drop of Copaiba and vegetable oil and rub it along the outside of Luna's jawline. Parents, this bottle is your life savor during those terrible teething days.

Peppermint essential oil has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste. (Add a drop of this to brownie mix for a fun flavor kick) Peppermint is a versatile oil. It can support healthy gut function and digestive efficiency. These benefits make it a great way to start your day or end a meal. Additionally, it may support exercise performance to help you have a great workout.

PanAway essential oil blend is a combination of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint. It was formulated by D. Gary Young himself. This blend is ideal to apply topically after exercise. It can be used in many different ways to help sooth fussy muscles. I use it religiously after a run.

Do you know how insane it is that this little bottle of oil crosses the blood brain barrier and affects our emotions just by inhalation? I can't get over this oil! This is being studied for kids with Autism! Why on earth are people not freaking out over this?! Oh wait, I am. If you are looking for something to support emotions, stress, etc.. here's your guy. If it's good enough for baby Jesus, it's good enough for me!

Lavender has been called the swiss army knife of oils. This bad boy supports so many different things. It's my go to oil, and is up there in my top favorites. It has a sweet, floral aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Lavender's aroma is great for relaxing and winding down. I put a drop of this on Luna's feet and this puts her right out. I can proudly say, that my child sleeps through the night, and I contribute that to Lavender. No home should be without this oil, and if you were to look, it's a key ingredient in many oil blends.
I didn't discuss every oil in the every day oil kit, so if you are curious about them, please shoot me an email. Also, if you have any questions about the above oils, i'd be more than happy to help.
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! Happy Oiling!