Awaken Those Good Feels.

I had an entirely different blog in mind to post today. But due to recent events in my personal life, I feel like it's important for me to share with you how incredible oils are for not only your physical self, but for your emotional, and spiritual self.
This is Awaken. It combines five different blends to awaken and enhance inner self-awareness that strengthens the desire to reach one's highest potential. (I stole that definition) For me, and to shorten the above description, this oil awakens good feelings. Without going into detail about my personal life, I have been dealing with things that have been dragging me through the mud emotionally. We've all been there! I've been rubbing a drop above my heart, because that's where I need this emotional support the most.
The five blends of Awaken:
Joy- Produces an uplifting, magnetic energy that brings joy to the heart. It inspires romance and helps overcome grief and depression.
Forgiveness- Helps release negative memories, enabling one to move past emotional barriers and achieve higher awareness. It invites one to forgive and let go.
Present Time- Has an empowering fragrance, which gives a feeling of being "in the moment." One can go forward and progress only when in the present time.
Dream Catcher- Helps open the mind and enhance dreams and visualization, promoting greater potential for realizing your dreams and staying on your path. It also protects from negative dreams that might cloud your vision.
Harmony- Promotes physical and emotional healing by bringing about a harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body. It reduces stress and creates a feeling of well-being.
(Full disclosure, all these definitions came from the Essential Oils Desk reference, get the app!)
We all need emotional and spiritual support. People do all sorts of things like yoga, meditation, go for walks, cry it out, etc.. All very good and healthy things. I also use essential oils. There is something about the lingering smell that stays with you all day, to keep reminding you that everything is going to be okay. So, if you've been feeling down, and need the support, give essential oils a shot.
As always, if you have any questions, please send me an email because I'd be happy to help.
Happy oiling!